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  • Reply to: General and Off Topic   14 years 2 months ago
    I agree 110%. It is in fact money going into "someones" pocket being disguised as a bill that's "good for the environment". No one will think twice about throwng a water bottle to the side of the road or trail for 5, 10, or even 15 cents. I see more beer cans & bottles on roads and trails than water & non carbonated drink bottles as it is. It's making some politician wealthy not the environment. Reality is grim.
  • Reply to: Hike Recommendations   14 years 2 months ago
    I am planning a trip to the Bald Rocks area of Harriman State Park for the weekend of April 24. I have never been to Harriman in the spring, and I was wondering if Harriman has a black fly problem like the Catskills or the 'Dacks. If so, when do they typically starting coming out to strike? Thanks.
  • Reply to: Hike Recommendations   14 years 3 months ago

    HI I have done a bunch of hikes listed on this site with my kids ages 8-16. They are all now begging for some rock scrambling. Any ideas in driving distance of Northern NJ? Is it worth going to Harriman to do the AT lemon squeeze trail. The entire island pond/lemon squeeze trail is too much for us so i was thinking about just hiking right past the lemon squeeze and turning around about 3.5 miles, round trip. Would it be worth it for that? Please share with me any thoughts, suggestions or ideas thank you so much, jessica

  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   14 years 3 months ago

    The section of the AT referred to below is now open.

    L. Wheelock 4/12/2010


    A brush fire burned approximately 40 acres [UPDATE: 105 acres as of 4/9] of forest on the ridge between Lake Owassa and Kittatinny Lake yesterday and today.  The fire appears to have affected a portion of the Appalachian Trail just south of Rt. 206 and Culvers Gap.

    The park office at Stokes State Forest can be reached for updates regarding travel on this section of the Appalachian Trail by calling (973) 948-3820.

    AT Stokes State Forest Brush Fire

  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   14 years 3 months ago
    I did the Washburn-Undercut-Cornish loop yesterday. Cornish was a little muddy with running water in spots, but quite passable. Otherwise, trails were in great shape. Happy trails!
  • Reply to: Hiking with Dogs   14 years 3 months ago
    I love camping but I'm afraid my dogs might get hurt by a bear or snake. the spray is a great idea. Also I have pet health plan just in case something happens and I need to rush to the nearest vet.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   14 years 3 months ago
    Does anyone know if the kakiat trail bridges are still out?
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   14 years 3 months ago
    Many thanks to the Supervisor who was out today and not only did the 3 Lakes but also the AT on his way back.
  • Reply to: Hike Recommendations   14 years 3 months ago
    You, troop, may be a genius. That solves the question of the 'where did I camp' question. Now the only question is thus: Where can I park my truck for 2 days as we hike? I was thinking, perhaps, starting at Anthony Wayne Recreation Center and heading south to Ramapo-dudnerberg and then I'm more or less lost. I'm trying to decide whether heading north (at that trail near cat's elbow) straight to the Timp-Torne then heading east, picking up the west Mountain shelter and the timp and then circle back to the ramapo dunderberg all the way back to the southern end of the A.W.R.C. Or should I stay on the R-Dberg and go Timp, then shelter (basically backwards of my original plan)? I'm not sure if it's uphill either way or not... like I said I''ve got inexperienced (but willing) friends and I don't want to kill them on their first serious hike... Again, you are all awesome and I appreciate the help!
  • Reply to: General and Off Topic   14 years 3 months ago

    Hi, I agree with you that they are interesting, especially when we find a post from someone we know.   I'll find out from TC Office who replaces these, what happens, and if there is interest in scanning and posting.        Please email me at [email protected] so I have your email information and name to pass on; or to give you an answer.  
